Important Fighter Information


Please ensure children are in the bullpen 1 hour before their first fight NO SOONER - we do not want children waiting 3 hours in the bullpen on their own, you need to watch the divisions live in SmoothComp and ensure they are in the bullpen only ONE HOUR before their first match.


Adults ensure you are in the bullpen ONE HOUR before your first match. 

If you are called, and you do not present immediately you will be disqualified. Our mat marshalls do not need to spend time trying to find your coach or family or chase you in the toilets or carpark because you think you have time to spare. 

If you do not present - you will be disqualified and we will move on with the tournament that you are holding up.

*Please be aware, if you want to wear headphones with music playing. This is going to hinder your ability to hear your name being called - be aware that if we are calling you, and you are at the back listening to your ear phones loud - you won't hear your name being called, and you will be disqualified.

Do what you need to do, don't have it so loud, keep one ear off, stay towards the front listening for your division to be called.



If you are over your registered weight on the day you will be disqualified at weigh ins. 

Please ensure you are below your registered weight on the day, as disqualification does disappoint. 

NZ Grappler will not tolerate any abuse towards staff around disqualification, your weight is your responsibility, not ours - make sure you are below at weigh in or face DQ.



Are available 24 hours before the event, these will be posted on our Facebook page and a link will be sent to your email address - please ensure you mark us as a 'safe sender' so you don't miss out on important information



There are no coaches or parents permitted downstairs in the fighting area. For our children divisions we have a great team of Child Minders and Mat Marshall's that help your child through the process. Please bring your child to the bull pen area, and if they are shy or upset request that one of our Child Minders come and escort them to their gym group.


  • Men Gi 65 NZD
  • Juvenile Men Gi 65 NZD
  • Women Gi 65 NZD
  • Juvenile Women Gi 65 NZD
  • Boys Gi 45 NZD
  • Girls Gi 45 NZD

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