
Please click here for a copy of the rules. 

It is your responsibility to know the rules before the event starts, if you need clarification please speak with your coach and/or team mates.

Please click here for a copy of the weight divisions.


Here is a brief outline of the rules, however you are to refer to the official rule book (link above)



1. Takedown, sweep, or "knee on the belly": If a player does one of these, or if they go out of bounds accidentally while trying to escape a submission, they earn 2 points.

2. Passing the guard: When a player gets past the guard, they earn 3 points.

3. Front mount, back mount, or taking the back: If a player manages to do any of these, they earn 4 points. 


1. A takedown happens when you make your opponent fall onto their side, butt, or back, or you make them kneel and get behind them. You get these points right away.

Rules about takedowns:

a) Even if your takedown makes your opponent land outside the ring but you were inside when you did the move, it still counts as a takedown.

b) If you grab a leg or try a takedown and your opponent pulls guard, you still get 2 points for the takedown.

c) If you do a takedown while your opponent has one knee on the ground, you get points as long as your opponent has both feet on the ground.

d) If both of you try a takedown at the same time, here's what happens:

   i. If neither of you have fallen yet, whoever lands on top gets 2 points.

   ii. If your opponent falls in a guard position and gets swept right away, they get 2 points for the takedown and you get 2 points for the sweep, but only after staying in the position for 3 seconds.

   iii. If your opponent falls in side control or mount position and gets flipped over right away, they get 2 points for the takedown and you don't get any points.


1. A knee on belly happens when you're on top in side control and you put your knee on your opponent's belly. You must also hold their collar or sleeve and belt with your hands, and your other leg needs to be up with a foot on the mat for 3 seconds.

Rules about knee on belly:

a) If the person underneath doesn't let you put your knee on their belly or if you don't hold the position fully for 3 seconds, you won't get any points.


1. A sweep is when you're underneath your opponent, they are in some type of guard position, and you manage to get on top by flipping the positions.

Rules about sweeps:

a) To earn points for a sweep, your opponent needs to be in a guard position. The guard is any position where your opponent is on their back, side, or in a turtle position and using one or both legs to keep distance or control over you.

b) The turtle guard is only considered a guard if it started from an already established guard position.

c) You can do a sweep with your arms or legs.

d) You only get points for a sweep if you go from a guard position and manage to stay on top of your opponent for 3 seconds.

e) If you're sweeping and manage to move to your opponent's back during the sweep, you get 2 points for the sweep and 4 points for getting to the back, as long as you meet the requirements for both moves.

f) If you start in a guard position, try a sweep, both of you stand up, and you do a takedown and stay on top, you get points.

g) If your opponent tries to submit you while they're in your guard and they end up underneath you, you get 2 points for a sweep after you escape the submission and stay on top for 3 seconds.

h) If you try a submission from the guard, land on top, and hold the position for 3 seconds, you get the sweep and 2 points.

i) If your opponent is trying to pass the guard, falls before the referee starts counting for guard passing or mount, and you end up on top, you get 2 points for a sweep after you've held the position for 3 seconds.

j) If you arm drag your opponent from the guard to a turtle position and control them for 3 seconds, you get 2 points for a sweep.

k) If you try a sweep using an illegal position for your belt or age level, you might get points taken away or get disqualified.

l) Double Guard Pull: If you and your opponent both pull guard at the same time while standing, whoever gets on top first and stays there for 3 seconds gets points for a sweep. 

Rules for double guard pull:

i. Both players need to have grips before pulling guard.

ii. If both players with grips pull guard at the same time, one needs to get on top within 15 seconds or both lose a point for stalling.

iii. If both players pull guard but only one had a grip while standing, the other player needs to get on top to avoid losing a point.

iv. If both players pull guard without first having grips, both players lose a point.

v. If you have grips and pull guard and your opponent also pulls guard or sits at the same time but without grips, if you get on top and hold the position for 3 seconds, you get 2 points for a sweep.


1. Passing the guard happens when you move from a position where you're in your opponent's guard to a spot where you're not controlled by their legs anymore. You have to use your weight to pin your opponent so they can't move or escape.

Rules about passing the guard:

a) To get points for passing the guard, your opponent needs to be in some type of guard. This happens when your opponent is on their back or side and using one or both legs to keep you at a distance or control you. If they're using their legs in this way, then you're considered to be 'in guard'.

b) You only get points for passing the guard if you manage to control a position beyond your opponent's guard for 3 seconds.

c) If your opponent stops your move by putting you back in their guard or by getting to their knees or standing up, you won't get any points.

d) If you move from being in your opponent's guard to the mount position and hold it, you get points for both passing the guard and for the mount.


1. A mount is when you're sitting on your opponent's torso and facing their head. They can be lying on their back, side or stomach. You can't be sitting on any of their arms though. It's also counted as a mount if one knee and one foot are on the ground. If both of your opponent's arms are under your legs, your knees need to be below their armpit line for it to count.

Rules about the mount:

a) You only get points for a mount if you've held the position for 3 seconds.

b) You don't get any points if your feet or knees are resting on your opponent's leg.

c) If you apply a triangle while in guard and land in a mount position on your opponent, it's counted as a sweep and not a mount until you're actually in the mount position.


1. Taking the back happens when your chest is against your opponent's back, your arms are around their neck, shoulders, or torso, and your legs are around their waist or torso.

Rules about taking the back:

a) You only get points for taking the back if you've controlled the position on your opponent's back for 3 seconds.

b) You won't get points if you don't have control of your opponent's body with both your arms and legs. You need to place your knees around your opponent's waist and your ankles against their inner thighs.

c) You can also get points for the back if you're controlling from chest to back, have your arms around the neck, shoulders, or torso, and use your legs to hook one of your opponent's thighs and one of their arms.

**Kid's Division (KID 1 through KID 6):**

All techniques are illegal which includes:

1. Spinal Lock, Cervical Lock, or Neck Crank

2. Suplex takedown technique

3. Slamming from the Guard

4. Slamming to Escape a Submission

5. Bending fingers backwards

6. Bent Knee Lock

7. Lateral Leg Lock

8. Reaping the Knee

9. Straight foot lock, turning inward forcing the knee

10. Outward toe hold, applying outward pressure to the knee

11. Heel Hook

12. Bicep Lock or slicer

13. Calf Lock or slicer

14. Knee bar

15. Toehold

16. Sock Lock

17. Scissor Takedown

18. Straight Ankle Lock

19. Front Guillotine

20. Wrist Lock

21. Frontal Ezekiel Choke

22. Do-Jime (squeezing the body or head with the legs)

23. Pulling on the Head in the Triangle

24. Omoplata

**Adult Divisions:**

**White Belts and Beginners:**

Illegal techniques include:

1. Spinal Lock, Cervical Lock, or Neck Crank

2. Suplex takedown technique

3. Slamming from the Guard

4. Slamming to Escape a Submission

5. Bending fingers backwards

6. Bent Knee Lock

7. Lateral Leg Lock

8. Reaping the Knee

9. Straight foot lock, turning inward forcing the knee

10. Outward toe hold, applying outward pressure to the knee

11. Heel Hook

12. Bicep Lock or slicer

13. Calf Lock or slicer

14. Knee bar

15. Toehold

16. Sock Lock

17. Scissor Takedown

18. Wrist Lock

19. Frontal Ezekiel Choke

20. Do-Jime (squeezing the body or head with the legs)

**Blue, Purple Belts and Intermediate:**

Illegal techniques include:

1. Spinal Lock, Cervical Lock, or Neck Crank

2. Suplex takedown technique

3. Slamming from the Guard

4. Slamming to Escape a Submission

5. Bending fingers backwards

6. Bent Knee Lock

7. Lateral Leg Lock

8. Reaping the Knee

9. Straight foot lock, turning inward forcing the knee

10. Outward toe hold, applying outward pressure to the knee

11. Heel Hook

12. Bicep Lock or slicer

13. Calf Lock or slicer

14. Knee bar

15. Toehold

16. Sock Lock

17. Scissor Takedown

**Brown, Black Belts and Advanced:**

Illegal techniques include:

1. Spinal Lock, Cervical Lock, or Neck Crank

2. Suplex takedown technique

3. Slamming from the Guard

4. Slamming to Escape a Submission

5. Bending fingers backwards

6. Bent Knee Lock

7. Lateral Leg Lock

8. Reaping the Knee

9. Straight foot lock, turning inward forcing the knee

10. Outward toe hold, applying outward pressure to the knee

11. Heel Hook


  • Black Belt Men No Gi 37.50 NZD
    Half Price
  • Black Belt Men Gi 37.50 NZD
    Half Price
  • Men No-Gi 75 NZD
    White, Blue, Purple, Brown
  • Juvenile Men No-Gi 75 NZD
  • Boys No-Gi 55 NZD
  • Men Gi 75 NZD
    White, Blue, Purple, Brown
  • Juvenile Men Gi 75 NZD
  • Boys Gi 55 NZD
  • Black Belt Women No-Gi DISCOUNT 37.50 NZD
    Half Price
  • Black Belt Women Gi DISCOUNT 37.50 NZD
    Half Price
  • Women No-Gi 75 NZD
    White, Blue, Purple, Brown
  • Juvenile Women No-Gi 75 NZD
  • Girls No-Gi 55 NZD
  • Women Gi 75 NZD
    White, Blue, Purple, Brown
  • Juvenile Women Gi 75 NZD
  • Girls Gi 55 NZD

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