

In a perfect world, everyone would enter, and each division would be full; however, there can be instances where a child might remain unmatched with no one in their division. But don't worry, our bracketing staff group those individual children into safe, suitable groupings in accordance with our merging matrix.

  • Registrations Close
  • Bracketing is done behind the scenes (a lot of coffee is consumed)
  • Brackets are published (preliminary brackets) 
  • Athletes alone with no division are communicated with



 If you see one of your athletes alone in a division, take a look at the other brackets and let us know where you would like them to be moved. 


Coaches/Parents, please keep it super simple and just put your child's name in the email, along with the division they are currently in, the division you would like them moved to and a very brief reason.

Please do not request your child to be moved into a division lower than their weight, making them heavier than the whole division. And please don't request for your child to be moved in with lower belts.

❌Emails stating, 'My child does not have a match; can you please find a match' or requesting to move into an empty division won't be considered, making our whole process take much longer.


We're all working towards the same goal: to get these young warriors in action!



We follow our merging policy to the letter. If you're alone in a grouping when the preliminary groupings are published, it's likely there may not be a match. Note that we don't merge adult coloured belts and won't move more than one weight division.

參賽者 / 條目

  • Black Belt Men No Gi DISCOUNT 37.50 NZD
    Half Price
  • Black Belt Men Gi DISCOUNT 37.50 NZD
    Half Price
  • Men No-Gi 75 NZD
    White, Blue, Purple, Brown
  • Juvenile Men No-Gi 75 NZD
  • Boys No-Gi 55 NZD
  • Men Gi 75 NZD
    White, Blue, Purple, Brown
  • Juvenile Men Gi 75 NZD
  • Boys Gi 55 NZD
  • Black Belt Women No-Gi DISCOUNT 37.50 NZD
    Half Price
  • Black Belt Women Gi DISCOUNT 37.50 NZD
    Half Price
  • Women No-Gi 75 NZD
    White, Blue, Purple, Brown
  • Juvenile Women No-Gi 75 NZD
  • Girls No-Gi 55 NZD
  • Women Gi 75 NZD
    White, Blue, Purple, Brown
  • Juvenile Women Gi 75 NZD
  • Girls Gi 55 NZD

Cancel/Refund policy